Affine Analytics Cited By Gartner As A Specialist Midsize Consultancy For Analytics and Machine Learning Solutions and Services in its Latest Report On Machine Learning

Published On : PRWeb, Thursday, December 19, 2019 (Source)

Affine Analytics, a disruptive new generation analytics partner, providing high-end analytics by combining capabilities in Predictive analytics, Machine learning, and Big data technology has been listed as Specialist Midsize Consultancy vendors in Advance Analytics and Machine Learning in Gartner’s June 2016 “Doing Machine Learning Without Hiring Data Scientists.”

Machine learning is increasingly becoming mainstream. It promises higher accuracy and better ROI, and has started to emerge as one of the more reliable analytical practices in recent times. It provides organizations with an edge over their competition. That said, building the right team is a tricky challenge. The traditional approach of building an in-house team for same is not only cumbersome, but also takes lot of time to scale. Gartner says “In this time of immense machine-learning skills shortage, third-party professionals can accelerate and kick-start the success of data science programs.”

“The advantages of outsourcing analytics cannot be overstated – but it demands a carefully constructed relationship,” says Manas Agrawal, CEO of Affine Analytics.

Association with the right analytics partner can provide an organization the right skills on short notice. Selecting the right partner can contribute towards other benefits as well.

  • The existing staff Up-skill and even further assist in hiring full-time data scientists
  • Learning experience for the in-house team that ensures capability to sustain beyond terms of engagement
  • Reinforcing critical thinking & creativity and not merely focusing on project completion

“Global data analytics outsourcing market to grow at CAGR of 31.68% over the period of 2012-16.” reveals a report by Global Marketing Insights, Report ID: GMI 448. It is believed, this adaptation will be successful by meaningful collaboration between the organizations and their specialist analytics vendor.

Source: Global Marketing Insights,, Report ID: GMI448

About Affine Analytics:
Affine analytics has 35+ clients ranging from large sized organizations (majorly Fortune 500) to midsized organizations in USA & India. Affine’s analytical maturity spans across various levels of problem solving. They have expertise in informative, exploratory, causal and predictive analytical techniques in areas of Marketing, CRM, CEM, Financial Planning & Analysis, Risk, Merchandising, Operations and Supply Chain Management.