CPG | Sales Planning

Sales Force Sizing and Territory Alignment


CPG companies often struggle to determine their sales force’s optimal size and alignment to maximize market reach and sales potential. Additionally, they need to allocate resources across diverse territories and product lines efficiently.


  • Identifying the right effort required by the sales force for different products and territories.
  • Evaluating and selecting the best Machine Learning models for accurate predictions.
  • Running multiple sales force scenarios to determine the optimal configuration.
  • Estimating the impact of call frequency on overall sales and determining the optimal frequency.

Solution Proposed

  • Identified an exhaustive list of factors influencing sales force effort using data analytics.
  • Evaluated various Machine Learning algorithms, such as Random Forest and Gradient Boosting, to identify the champion model for sales predictions.
  • Ran multiple sales force scenarios using simulation techniques to select the best configuration and computed the number of representatives required based on total calls and optimal frequency derived from historical response models.
  • Leveraged big data platforms for richer insights and faster decision-making.


  • New team size within budget constraints.
  • Identified the sales force allocation strategy at an account level.
  • Estimated sales potential to be expected within the first year of product launch based on the identified strategy.

Design & Thinking Wins

  • Enabled precise sales force sizing and territory alignment.
  • Improved resource allocation and market reach.
  • Enhanced sales potential and revenue growth.

Disclaimer: The outline showcases the typical challenges, solutions, designs, and outcomes for industries and functions, in general, based on Affine’s prowess in the Industry. The outcomes would be much higher for specific clients as they would be based on their data and specific problems to be solved.