How AI Is Transforming Gaming, Media & Entertainment?

A virtual summit 2022!

Session Highlights

Media & Entertainment is on the rise. Things are looking up with the recent boost from the Gaming industry. But what does this mean for other industries? How can they keep up with this paradigm shift in content consumption?

The Fisher Center for Business Analytics in partnership with Affine is hosting the 2022 summit on “How AI is Transforming Gaming, Media & Entertainment. Join us for an opportunity to explore the limitless possibilities of what the future is yet to offer.

Find out what industry leaders have to say about the transformation of Gaming, Media, & Entertainment industry and how its driven by the tech revolution in AI, Metaverse, Virtual Reality and Web 3.0!
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Summit Overview

State of the Nation in Gaming –Affine

Content engagement is no longer a commercial paradigm; it is evolving into a social paradigm. Revenue from online and gaming will grow in the years to come; with entertainment moving from a linear channel to OTT platforms, everyone now has the power to create content.

Manas Agrawal

CEO & Co-Founder


Saurabh Tandon

Board Member & President


Gaming, Gamers & Creators: View from a (Twitch) Bridge

Five years ago, cookies allowed businesses to exchange marketing metrics from Facebook & YouTube advertising. However, with the degradation of cookies in recent years, enterprises are turning back to probability approaches. Data tells an unseen story of emotional connection between creators and subscribers.

Moderated by Gauthier Vasseur

Drew Harry

Vice president


Gaming, Gaming & Entertainment Analytics: which goals, which data, which technique?

User engagement is the key to ensuring monetization. A happy user will spend more in game. Content has broken boundaries and digital platform is set to witness the highest advertising spend. With the average user spending 7 minutes viewing content, personalized content recommendation & content engagement will be the driving force for businesses.

Xun (YoYo)Yin



Saurabh Tandon

Marketing Analytics

WB Entertainment 

Ashish Bansal



How AI and Technology are impacting the future of Gaming and Entertainment

Behavioral moderation in games is a tricky affair. No amount of human effort can manage the volume of moderation required and this is where Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms come in. Other than this scaling graphics and NPCs dynamically to provide quality gameplay for users is where these technologies shine.

Jonathan Lane

Senior Director


The Indian Unicorn’s take on Content Engagement and Monetization

User engagement is the key to ensuring monetization. A happy user will spend more in game. Content has broken boundaries and digital platform is set to witness the highest advertising spend. With the average user spending 7 minutes viewing content, personalized content recommendation & content engagement will be the driving force for businesses.

Xun (YoYo)Yin



Saurabh Tandon

Marketing Analytics

WB Entertainment 

Ashish Bansal



AI in Media & Entertainment: The Future of TV

With the onslaught of OTT platforms, the pain of finding the right content is a challenge we need to address. Television is a communal device and the audience needs are diverse depending on their mood. Businesses need to prevent complex clustering in algorithms to improve personalized recommendations.

Rosemary Lokhorst

Senior Director

Google TV

Gaming and Education: Is it Work or Play?

Education and gaming go hand in hand. Games have helped many solve math problems and learn history. They are more than just badges and rewards. A good story is the crux for education gaming, but understanding the needs of gamers comes with a challenge of finding the right data.

Shobana Radhakrishnan

Founder and CEO

Storybyte Studio

Understanding consumers and communities in the world of web 3.0/Gaming/Metaverse.

With increasing focus on personalization and data based marketing, the level of data collection is concerning, and it is vital to understand the privacy angle in the ever increasing sea that is data. When we drill down Data Privacy, we comprehend that knowledge accompanies reasonability.

Mark Miller

Stanford University

Diversity, Equity in Gaming, Media & Entertainment

Inclusivity is a much needed culture in the gaming ecosystem. On top of that toxicity is something that has plagued gaming since its inception. While reactive and proactive ML tools help establish a robust defense against toxic conduct, players have to look out for one another to protect the community.

Moderated by Nathalie Mathe

Xun (YoYo)Yin



Saurabh Tandon

Marketing Analytics

WB Entertainment 

Ashish Bansal



Gameplay Demos – African Gaming: The future and its challenges

A passionate game developer in Kenya has set out to make an original African game. But the challenges are aplenty with GPU shortages, skyrocketing hardware prices and the limited low spec hardware available with the audiences in that territory. 

Mark Miller

Stanford University

Gaming, Social Media and Reality: Business Models, Monetization and New metrics

PC and Mobile gaming have established a monetization economy. As technology changes with time we need to revisit our assumptions. Blockchain and VR need to create their market and not cannibalize PC, mobile and console markets. With that, the need of the hour for blockchain technology is to create a sustainable monetization.

Mark Miller

Stanford University

10 Things to know about the Meta-verse

PC and The Metaverse today is a virtual room primarily developed for interaction & communication. It is a leap, just like gaming & cloud, and we are all early adopters. We’ve become more virtual in the past 24 months than in the past 24 years. What is the core element of the Metaverse?

Mark Miller

Stanford University

Summit Overview

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Manas Agrawal

CEO & Co-Founder

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