Standup Comedy

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7th April 2021

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When I joined Affine, I never thought it would be such a long journey – this has truly been the best 4 years of my career.

The learnings and guidance I received has made me a much better data science practitioner since the day I walked through the doors. Today, I can proudly say that my knowledge base includes Advanced Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning with domain knowledge in Retail, Automobile, Oil and Gas and the Manufacturing Industries – all thanks to Affine Analytics.

In these 4 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work under the wings of some amazing mentors and collaborate with some talented colleagues, all the while, making quite a few friends for life. Sincere thanks to Manas Agrawal and Ashish Maheshwari for placing their trust in me and nurturing my capabilities.

Cheers to the future and all that we do…

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Manas Agrawal

CEO & Co-Founder

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